Cloud for Capella

Collaborate with Capella
in a Cloud infrastructure


Leverage the full power of Capella integrated within a cloud infrastructure meticulously managed by Obeo.

Cloud for Capella is a SaaS solution offering a secure, pre-configured, and ready-to-use MBSE environment.

It enables immediate collaboration on the design and architecture of complex systems, streamlining your engineering processes.


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Immediate Startup in a Ready-to-Use Environment

Immediate Startup in a
Ready-to-Use Environment

Already installed and configured for you. Just start using Capella and the proposed add-ons without the hassle of deployment and integration.

Team and Partners all on the Same Version

Team and Partners
all on the Same Version

Ensures that both your internal team and external authorized users are working with the same version. Upgrades to the latest versions are offered on-demand.

Automatic and Constant Backups

and Constant Backups

Your models and settings are automatically and regularly backed up, allowing you to restore previous versions in case of issues.

Two complementary environnements

C4C Team

C4C Team

Simultaneously edit Capella models with your teammates, from a simple web browser

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C4C Publication

C4C Publication

Expose your Capella models and connect them
with requirements management tools

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C4C Team and C4C Publication can be purchased together or separately

C4C Team

Collaborate seamlessly with other users, and avoid conflicts on your Capella models,
with no specific installation required on your desktop.


C4C Team offers the features of Team for Capella via a Cloud infrastructure deployed and managed by Obeo.

The Team server is accessible in a “remote desktop” mode from your web browser.

Within the environment provided by C4C Team, Obeo has also installed the Team client along with the main open-source Capella add-ons, including M2Doc, Filtering, System to Subsystem Transition, Requirements Viewpoint, XHTML Document Generation, and Property Values Management Tools.

Cloud for Capella | C4C Team architecture


C4C Publication

A publication server to expose your Capella models,
and connect them with ALM and Requirements management tools.


C4C Publication offers the features of Publication for Capella via a Cloud infrastructure deployed and managed by Obeo.

Your data is controlled for reading and writing based on the access rights you have chosen.

Access is provided via a web client, directly from Polarion or Doors Next tools, or from a Capella environment (to publish the Capella models to the server).

C4C Publication can be purchased alone, or together with C4C Team.

Cloud for Capella | C4C Publication architecture

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