Publication for Capella

System architecture at the heart of your engineering process


Publication for Capella provides a seamlessly integrated view between your system architecture and related engineering activities (IVVQ, Requirements, etc...).

Publish Capella models on a web server, connect them with requirements, change requests, test cases, releases, etc... defined in third-party repositories, and expose them to authorized stakeholders.

The supported repositories include Siemens Polarion®, IBM® DOORS Next, and PTC Codebeamer®.


Request a quote Discover the features

Make System Architecture Easily Accessible to Your Teams/Partners

Quickly and efficiently share integrated system architectures across different engineering disciplines.
Seamless and fast navigation through models, even without Capella experience.
Only a web browser needed to end-users.



Digital Thread from Requirements to Architecture

Efficiently maintain CONSISTENCY and ALIGNMENT between Capella models and third-party repositories (like ALM or RMS).

  • Reduced errors from managing identical data on different systems
  • Less time spent searching for data in different sources
  • Informed decisions based on up-to-date information


Integrate Authoritative Sources of Truth

Authoritative Capella models are published on a web server, and linked with authoritative work items coming from connected ALM tools using OSLC links. The integration between all these elements is exposed to authorized stakeholders through a controlled web portal.


Better Communication and Collaboration

Break silos between teams by providing online access to an integrated view of your system architecture.
It facilitates your engineering teams to reuse work items and system elements.



Capella User

Define an integrated system architecture federated with third-party repositories, and decide when to expose this consistent content to other stakeholders.

From the Capella Workbench

  • Publish Capella models on the Publication server.
  • Drag&drop artifacts defined in connected repositories directly into Capella to create traceability links.
  • Manage the traceability links from Capella.
Publication for Capella - Links management

ALM User

Create requirements, issues, test cases, etc, in third-party repositories, and collaborate with systems engineers to align these artifacts with the system architecture.

From a Third-Party Repository connected to the Publication server (ex: Polarion or DOORS Next)

  • Manage traceability links between artifacts defined in a connected repository and Capella model elements.
Publication for Capella - Links management

Interested Stakeholder

Benefit from an integrated and consistent view of the system architecture: a detailed model with verified traceability relationships to related engineering artifacts.

From a Web Browser

  • Find an element in a published Capella model.
  • Browse its properties, relations and diagrams.
  • View its traceability links and related artifacts.
Publication for Capella - Browse links

Project Administrator

Control how the Capella models are exposed to stakeholders, and how they can be integrated with various third-party repositories containing engineering artifacts.

From the Publication Server

  • Configure the type of links between the Capella model elements of a project and third-party artifacts.
  • Connect third-party repositories to the Publication server.
  • Manage authorized users on a per-project basis.
Publication for Capella - Configure links

Scale Your Deployment
with Flexibility and Control

Flexible Hosting

Choose the hosting model that aligns with your IT constraints.

Publication for Capella On-Premise


You host: install the publication server on your own IT infrastructure.

Publication for Capella Cloud


We host: we manage the publication server on a cloud infrastructure.

Optimized Licensing

Control your costs by tailoring access rights.

Publication for Capella On-Premise


Affordable, read-only and secured access to encourage widespread sharing of your system architecture.

Publication for Capella Cloud


Fine-tuned publication and editing capabilities for publishing models and managing traceability links.

Supported Tools


Siemens Polarion®

Support of versions 19 to 23.



Discover the integration between Publication for Capella and Polarion.

See how to create traceability links by drag&droping requirements
from Polarion directly into Capella

See how to access a work item in Polarion by clicking on its traceability link with a Capella model element.

IBM Jazz

Support of versions 7.0.2 and 7.0.3.

Some limitations exist if Global Configuration is activated.


See how to create traceability links by drag&droping requirements
from DOORS Next directly into Capella

See how to access a work item in DOORS Next by clicking on its traceability link with a Capella model element.

PTC codebeamer

The support of PTC codebeamer is experimental.

Other Tools

Evaluation required: to connect other tools, they need to support OSLC-AM providers

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