Create modern and powerful
modeling solutions for the Cloud

Modeling in the Cloud

Obeo Cloud Platform is a unique technology to easily develop
custom and state-of-the-art modeling tools to be deployed to the Cloud.

Fast Time-to-Market


Create and deploy a new modeling product 10 times faster than with a classic web development

No Desktop Deployment

No Desktop

No need to deploy anything on users’ desktops, your modeling tool is accessible through a web browser

Enterprise-wide Collaboration

Enterprise-wide Collaboration

Tools created with Obeo Cloud Platform allow multiple users to collaborate in a secured mode




Domain-Specific Modeling Tool

Your Domain-Specific Tool

Obeo Cloud Platform is a generic technology that makes it possible to easily equip teams who have to deal with complex architectures or systems in multiple specific domains.

Modeling tools created with Obeo Cloud Platform can address domains such as software development, systems engineering, enterprise architecture, robotics, electronics, safety, … and many more.

OCP Modeler screenshot

Deployed on a Cloud-Based Stack

Obeo Cloud Platform relies on a cloud-based stack to create cloud-based modeling tools:

  • modern UX designed to offer a fluent and intuitive experience adapted to web usages,
  • no deployment on users' desktops to facilitate tools' access and adoption,
  • centralized upgrades guarantying that everyone is working with the same version.
Eclipse Sirius screenshot

Powered by Sirius Web

Eclipse Sirius is an open-source technology that dramatically reduces the time and effort necessary to create domain-specific modeling workbenches.

With Obeo Cloud Platform, modeling tools are defined with Sirius Web, the web-based flavor of Sirius, deployed to the Cloud, and then rendered in a web browser.

Learn more about Sirius Web  

Eclipse Sirius screenshot

Users Management

Control who can connect

With Obeo Cloud Platform, only users authorized by the administrator can access the hosted projects and their contained models.

Once connected, any user is able to create a project and share it with other users.

Eclipse Sirius screenshot

Control who can access your projects

By default, a project created by a user is Private and is only visible to him.

To share a project with other users, its owner can make it Public and/or define access rights.

Eclipse Sirius screenshot

View in real-time who is working on a diagram

Visual indicators show you, in real-time, which other users are currently working on the same diagram as you.

The indicators also display who is editing the objects you are working on and which properties are currently being modified.

Eclipse Sirius screenshot

Define role-based access control 

Permissions on a project (read, write, admin) are defined by creating Teams.

It allows the administrators of a project to manage users depending on roles shared by a set of other users (rather than defining the permissions at the individuals level).

Eclipse Sirius screenshot

Rely on your internal access directory

To control users' login and password, you can connect to your internal access directory managed with LDAP or OpenId Connect.

It guarantees secured management of how users can access your models.



Powered by Obeo Cloud Platform


Obeo Cloud Platform (OCP) features can benefit any workbench created with Sirius Desktop. That's especially the case for Publication for Capella, a solution that enables users of Capella to publish their models on a web server.

Thanks to Obeo Cloud Platform, accessing these published models is secured by authorizations rights based on users' role.

Once published, users can easily create OSLC links between elements of the Capella model and artifacts from external tools (ex: requirements defined in ALM tools).

Team for Capella Cloud



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