Team for Capella 1.2.2 (2019-02-01)

CompatibilityCapella 1.2.2


What's new

The Team for Capella 1.2.2 maintenance release brings four major changes compared to Team for Capella 1.2.1:

  • The cleanup phase done by the export wizard before the export of the model to the server has been completed with an additional pattern for invalid representation (RepresentationDescriptors without target representation). This avoids to export representations or representation shortcuts whose cannot be opened by the users.
  • A new "Repository Information" properties page is available for .aird files in the dialog displayed by the Properties action of the contextual menu. It displays repository information (location, port, name) and the list of users connected to the repository.
  • It is now possible to hide lock and permission decorations during the export of representation as images thanks to a new system property ( -Dorg.eclipse.sirius.diagam.ui.hidePrintingOfPermissionAuthorityDecoration=true)
  • The Scheduler configuration has been updated to
    • Trigger the "Start server" and "Start License Server" with a sixty seconds delay after Jenkins start
    • Create the Scheduler temporary files in a temp subfolder instead of the Temp folder of Windows. The "Winstone jar cleanup" job has been added to cleanup this folder and avoid a disk space leak with Jenkins 2.46.2. 


Important note

If you move from 1.1.x or from 1.2.0 to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of your workspace.

Important note related to Java 8:

Since Java 8 U161, some mechanisms used by CDO for the authentication have been deactivated by default for security reasons (JDK-8185292). To ensure that authentication properly works with latest Java releases, the previous behavior is activated with the use of the system property -Djdk.crypto.KeyAgreement.legacyKDF (in the client, the server and the importer).


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • The "Discard remote changes" action now releases the corresponding locks.
  • Permissions can now work with models whose path contains spaces.
  • The "override existing resource" capability checks done by the Export wizard have been corrected to support servers configured with user profiles.
  • Better Folder hierarchy conservation while exporting models to the server.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.
  • Documentation minor fixes and improvements