Team for Capella - Releases 1.3

Team for Capella 1.3.2 (2020-03-06)

CompatibilityCapella 1.3.2


What's new

The Team for Capella 1.3.2 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.3.1):

  • Addition of a Server warmup extension. It allows to read some parts of the database as soon as repositories are started in order to speed up the first access to the data and be close to the time observed on the next access.
  • The Scheduler configuration has been updated to move from a daily restart of the Team for Capella server to a weekly restart (every Saturday, between 05:00 and 06:00).
  • The compatibility with other add-ons have been improved with a better management of DFeatureExtension model elements which can be used by those add-ons to store their specific data in the .aird resources.


Important note

When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace. 


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • The default repository name can now be overriden with the plugin customization mecanism as it was already the case for the hostname and port.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.
  • Documentation minor fixes and improvements


Team for Capella 1.3.1 (2019-06-28)

CompatibilityCapella 1.3.1


What's new

The Team for Capella 1.3.1 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.3.0):

  • The change management has been improved: 
    • the Commit History view has a new mode which allows to compute the representations impacted by one or several selected commits.
    • the Activity metadata can now also be exported to JSON format.
  • A new "Repository Information" properties page is available for .aird files in the dialog displayed by the Properties action of the contextual menu. It displays repository information (location, port, name) and the list of users connected to the repository.
  • It is now possible to hide lock and permission decorations during the export of representation as images thanks to a new system property ( -Dorg.eclipse.sirius.diagam.ui.hidePrintingOfPermissionAuthorityDecoration=true)
  • The cleanup phase done by the export wizard before the export of the model to the server has been completed with an additional pattern for invalid representation (RepresentationDescriptors without target representation). This avoids to export representations or representation shortcuts whose cannot be opened by the users.
  • The Importer application has been modified to:
    • increase its change management configuration capabilities: the export of the commit history is now optional (default:true), the detailed changes for each commit can be exported (default: false) and JSON has been added as one of the possible activity metadata import format.
    • provide a better control on the export result layout: the archiveFolder parameter has been deprecated in favor of the new parameters -outputFolder, -logFolder, -archiveProject and -overrideExistingProject.
  • The Scheduler configuration has been updated to
    • use a more recent Jenkins version: from LTS version 2.46.2 (LTS) to version 2.150.2 (LTS). This brings several important security fixes and also notable changes as documented in the LTS release notes.
    • trigger the "Start server" and "Start License Server" with a sixty seconds delay after Jenkins start
    • create the Scheduler temporary files in a temp subfolder instead of the Temp folder of Windows.
    • have a success result when commands are successfully executed on the server by the command.bat application, some of its commands were properly executed but without a "success" result they kept running until a 2 minutes timeout stopped it.


Important note

When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace. 


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • LDAP authentication now works with with filters and {user}@DomainName dn pattern, the corresponding documentation has been completed.
  • Better Folder hierarchy conservation while exporting models to the server.
  • Decorators (red crosses, sub diagram) computation performances have been improved.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.
  • Documentation minor fixes and improvements


Rebuild on 2019-08-07

The version published on 2019-06-28 has been replaced by a new release on 2019-08-07. It is a rebuild in order to integrate a new version of the license system due to changes in Java (8u201, 11.0.2 and later) around cipher suites. There is no change on the other components.


Team for Capella 1.3.0 (2019-01-25)

CompatibilityCapella 1.3.0


What's new

The Team for Capella 1.3.0 major release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.2.1):

  • Compatibility with Capella 1.3.0.
  • The lazy loading has been activated for shared representations: the project opening is faster as no representation data are loaded. This loading is done only when the application requires it: open/copy/export/delete representation, ...
  • The change management has been improved to allow a fine-grained change tracking and a better integration with Mylyn Tasks:
    • The Commit History View has been improved to filter the commits list in relation to the selected elements and to show the change set of each commit. 
    • The Server is now configured in Auditing mode: the history of every change is kept.
    • See how it works in the Team for Capella section of the What's new in Capella 1.3 ? webinar.
  • The Diff/Merge limitation (Team for Capella 1.2.x) is no more effective: while comparing a local project to a connected project or between two connected projects, no differences will be shown between representations if they are identical.
  • The Importer job and the import wizard do not require a valid licence nor a token to be allowed to import data from the server anymore.
  • Move from CDO 4.6 to CDO 4.7.

More details can be found in the integrated documentation.


Important note

When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • The "Discard remote changes" action now releases the corresponding locks.
  • Compatibility checks have been improved at connection. 
  • Permissions can now work with models whose path contains spaces.
  • The "override existing resource" capability checks done by the Export wizard have been corrected to support servers configured with user profiles.
  • User Management and Durable Locks Management views only display the elements of the selected repositories.
  • A few other minor fixes around performance and stability of collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.
  • Documentation minor fixes and improvements


Focus on the lazy loading of shared representations

This new version dramatically reduces the time spent to open a Connected Project containing many representations.

Now only the semantic model (containing the data) is loaded when the project opens. A representation (diagram, table or tree) will not be loaded until the user opens it.

As shown on the figure, opening a shared Connected Project is now far quicker than opening a local one and independent from the number of representations. This figure is based on a Capella model containing 24 000 elements and 64 diagrams containing 300 graphical elements each.

Instead of waiting for the loading of all the representations at once, the time is distributed on each representation's first opening. This small additional time depends on the number of graphical elements.

The gain is also noticeable on the memory footprint. Opening the Connected Project will only consume the memory corresponding to the semantic model, while the memory corresponding to the representations is consumed only on their first opening.

This new mechanism is activated by default, but it can be deactivated if you prefer to use the previous loading strategy.